Saturday, December 30, 2017

The New Years Resolution Fiasco

Well, its that time of year again, y'know, the time where you go out and buy that gym membership. "I'm gonna do it this year! This time is gonna be different! I'm gonna go to the gym every day and I'm gonna get fit!" Then, you only go for one day and never use it again. Don't feel guilty, we've all been there.
Now, I know what you're asking, "But, Charlie, what's YOUR new years resolution gonna be?" Well, to be honest, I've never really had one before, so I kinda thought long and hard about it (and by long and hard, I mean only for a few minutes yesterday... don't judge me). And I've became very split on it, you see, I feel like people tend to have wishful thinking when it comes to new years resolutions. They think that the only time they can change their habits is when its new years day, and to be honest, when that time hits, they're so high on emotion, they tend to make their resolutions without much thought, and they end up creating plans that don't last long at all. I think we're all guilty of doing that, but its important to understand that we don't need a set date to start changing ourselves, we can do it on the here and now! Now, that is not to say that new years resolutions are inherently bad, its good to want a fresh new start, but how we approach them should be different!
Like I said, I kinda procrastinated my plans by waiting until next year to start changing myself (but shh, nobody has to know that, luckily, this is between you and me and not on a blog for the whole internet to see ;D). But, in all seriousness, there are two things that I want to do to better myself next year. The first one being is that I take taekwondo. And this year, I've slacked off a lot in terms of going to it, in fact, I don't even think I went at all this month. So, when my studio opens up after new years day, I want get back into the groove of going to it. The second is that I am a Christian, and this year, I've slacked off on a lot of my duties as a child of God, so I plan on starting today, to start getting into the groove of reading my Bible, praying, and heading off to church (I know, I know, works don't get you into heaven, but its imperative that these three things are healthy habits for any Christian to do). Anyway, I guess you could call them "new years resolutions," I don't, but that's my plans for next year! Let me know in the comments below what YOUR plans are!
Stay safe, friends and have blessed New Years!

1 comment:

  1. Inspirational char! No matter how many Times I feel, I have to remember to dust myself off and get back on Start over again!
